domingo, 3 de noviembre de 2024

Carlos Trillo & Lucas Varela - El síndrome Guastavino

Good nights, fellows. Today i bring you a masterpiece. Yes, like alway, I have to say it. This Pdf I´ll share is the last big history of Carlos Trillo. I don`t know if you have read this guy. He was an argentinian writer. He make a great tales like Boggart, Cibersyx, Las puertitas del Sr López, El último recreo and a lot more. El síndrome Guastavino was released in Fierro and compiled in a book. The one were this PDF was taken. 

The Guastavino syndrome (for the those that couldn`t read in fucking spanish) is a very dark hystory about a crazy guy who is a son of torturator people`s. He saw, in his childhood, his father “practice torture” with dolls, so he developed a strange syndrome that consist in the incapacity to share with people and feel love for dolls. 

In this comic we will assist to the climax of Guastavino`s pathetic life.He is falling down to madness and an old victim, a brave woman is back for revenge. Great stuff, folks. 

So here i let you this beautiful gem: The Guastavino Syndrome